December 2024
Richard Messick completed the required continuing education standards to maintain his CPCU in Good Standing status.

October 2024
Robert Lynch attended the General Membership and Officer selection meeting as a Board Member for the Society of Risk Management Consultants in Nashville.

June 2024
NSRC completed its 5th annual claims audit and review of the Risk Management program for the State of Utah.

April 2024
NSRC was selected once again by PERMA to conduct a Workers’ Compensation claim review for their New York State public entity members.

February 2024
NSRC completed an extensive claim and safety programs audit for a major US-based Beverage client.

January 2024
NSRC completed a project for a major international consulting firm to provide a recurring annual claims handling performance review of a Workers’ Compensation claims third-party administrator (TPA) serving companies in the advertising and marketing industry.

December 2023
Robert Lynch has completed the final claims law professional and has been awarded the Senior Claims Law Associate Gold Level designation.

November 2023
NSRC was retained by a major international consulting firm to provide a recurring annual claims handling performance review of a Workers’ Compensation claims third-party administrator (TPA) serving companies in the advertising and marketing industry.

October 2023
Robert Lynch attended the Annual fall general meeting of the Society of Risk Management Consultants in Las Vegas and was appointed a member of the SRMC Board of Directors.

September 2023
NSRC was selected by a major consulting firm to participate in a comprehensive multi-line claim and actuarial study for three separate entities of a major US domestic beverage corporation.

August 2023
NSRC performed a multi-line claims file audit of the self-insured/self-administered staff handling claims for the San Antonio Water System (SAWS).

July 2023
NSRC completed the multi-line claims file audit for three New Jersey Joint self-insured Insurance Funds.

May 2023
Robert Lynch attended the annual American Educational Institute General conference and was awarded the Senior Claims Law Associate – Silver level designation.  He also signed up for the final 7-month course to achieve the Gold Level designation.

April 2023
NSRC completed the fourth annual multi-line claims file audit for the State of Utah Division of Risk Management.

March 2023
Robert Lynch attended the Spring meeting and educational conference of the Society of Risk Management Consultants in Indianapolis.

February 2023
NSRC was selected by the Executive Committee for the New Jersey self-insured Joint Insurance Funds to perform an extensive multi-line claim file audit of the TPA handling claims for three separate Fund entities.

December 2022
NSRC conducted a claims handling performance assessment of a TPA managing a national trade association’s Workers’ Compensation claims. Robert Lynch successfully completed the 7-month Fraud Claims Law Associate course offered by the American Educational Institute.

October 2022
Robert Lynch attended the National Workers’ Compensation Claims Conference and Exhibition in Las Vegas.

September 2022
NSRC was hired by the NY Liquidation Bureau to conduct a partial claims audit of a livery client of a bankrupt insurance company.

July 2022
NSRC was hired to perform a WC TPA claims file audit on behalf of Community Transit in Everett Washington

June 2022
NSRC was hired by the Montana University Self-Funded Workers’ Compensation System to perform a claims audit of their WC third-party claims administrator.

May 2022
Robert Lynch attended the Claims Education Conference provided by the International Insurance Institute, Inc from May 10 to May 13 in New Orleans.
North Shore Risk was selected by Community Transit in Everett, Washington to conduct a Workers’ Compensation Claim File Review.
North Shore Risk completed the 3rd annual multi-line claim file audit for the Division of Risk Management, State of Utah.

April 2022
Robert Lynch will be attending the National RIMS conference in San Francisco.

March 2022
Robert Lynch attended the SRMC Spring meeting in New Orleans.
NSRC was selected by the Montana University System to perform a targeted Workers’ Compensation claim file audit of their self-insured WC program.

January 2022
NSRC was selected to conduct a review of a regional insurer’s Workers’ Compensation Claims Settlement And reserve strategies.

October 2021
Robert Lynch attended the SRMC Fall Meeting in Charleston SC.

September 2021
NSRC was selected by the NY Liquidation Bureau to perform an AL/GL claim file audit.

August 2021
NSRC principal Robert Lynch was awarded the RIMS-Certified Risk Management Professional designation

June 2021
NSRC completed an extensive AL/GL audit for the second year of a 5-year contract for DRM, State of Utah.

May 2021
NSRC completed a review of a regional insurer’s Workers’ Compensation claims settlement reserves and strategies.  NSRC Principal Robert Lynch was retained by an Ohio law firm as an expert in claims practices in a large products liability lawsuit.

March 2021
NSRC conducted a set of agreed upon procedures on behalf of a major US accounting firm related to the claims handling for a product recall incident

February 2021
NSRC performed a claims handling performance assessment of a TPA managing a national trade association’s NY/NJ Workers’ Compensation claims.

January 2021
NSRC was hired by the NY Hinman law firm to conduct a WC reserve study of claims originally insured by the Alliance National Insurance on behalf of VDRNC LLC and now taken over by the NY State Liquidation Bureau.

November 2020
Dick Messick joins NSRC as a Principal.

October 2020
North Shore Risk has submitted a proposal for claim audit services for Maricopa County in the State of Arizona. The audit will cover multiple Property & Casualty lines of business and the contract will run for one year.

August 2020
North Shore Risk completed a multi-year Workers’ Compensation Claim audit for the City of Pasadena in California.

July 2020
North Shore Risk completed its three-year multi-line claim audit for the initial term of its five-year contract with the State of Utah.

May 2020
Robert Lynch, NSRC Principal, has been approved by the Board of the Society of Risk Management Consultants for membership.

March 2020
Robert Lynch, NSRC Principal, has successfully passed the New York State licensing exam for a certified Risk Management Consultant.

February 2020
NSRC awarded a five-year contract by the Utah State Department of Risk Management to audit their annual Liability, Auto and Property claim files.

November 2019
NSRC retained by a national advertising agency employee trade association to conduct a Workers’ Compensation claims audit.

October 2019
NSRC retained by a specialty auto insurer to conduct an automobile liability claims audit.

September 2019
NSRC has been retained to perform an assessment of the reserving practices of a national Automobile Insurance carrier.

June 2019
Bob Lynch was retained by PERMA to review and validate an SIR charge by PERMA to one of its members who signed an alternative risk financing program.

April 2019
NSRC was retained by Community Transit in Everett Washington to perform a targeted audit of its TPA for 3 years of WC losses.

March 2019
Principal Steve Beigbeder retired from NSRC.

November 2018
NSRC Principal Stephen Beigbeder has been selected to perform a WC claim file audit on a major TPA in New Jersey.

October 2018
NSRC was selected to perform a WC claim file audit by Public Employer Risk Management Association, Inc. (PERMA).

August 2018
NSRC Principal Robert Lynch was selected to conduct an audit of Michigan Catastrophic No-Fault claims.

July 2018
NSRC was selected by three New Jersey Joint Insurance Funds to conduct a multi-line targeted audit of their Property, Auto, General Liability and Workers’ Compensation claim files from 2-14 through 2017 inclusive.

March 2018
NSRC was hired by SUNZ Insurance group to consult on their entry into the California WC market and to perform a target audit of their initial portfolio of WC claims. January 2018NSRC completes a claims program assessment for a national grocery retailer that included an operational review and claims audit of their hybrid (in-house and TPA managed) automobile liability and Workers’ Compensation claims units.

November 2017
NSRC Principal Stephen Beigbeder was selected to perform a WC claim file audit on a major TPA in New Jersey. Also, NSRC Principal Michael Koss was selected to participate in a targeted WC claim file audit of the New York State Liquidation Bureau.

October 2017
NSRC was selected by the City of Los Angeles Risk Management Department to be on their approved vendor list for Risk/Claims Management consulting for a five-year term.

July 2017
NSRC was hired by the State of Rhode Island Department of Administration to assist in preparation of an RFP to select a TPA to replace their self-administered claims department and to assist in scoring the vendor responses.

May 2017
NSRC Principal Michael Koss was selected to participate in a targeted claim file audit of Whole Foods.

January 2017
NSRC Principals Michael Koss and Stephen Beigbeder were selected to perform a comprehensive claim file and claims process audit of a state WC claims unit.

2016 Summary

  • Conducted a Workers’ Compensation claim audit, benchmarking study, and program assessment for the City of Vallejo, CA
  • Conducted a wide-ranging Workers’ Compensation program audit of a Rhode Island public agency of over 14,000 employees
  • Hired as an subject matter expert for a transportation data analysis study in Washington State

2015 Summary

  • Conducted an extensive Workers’ Compensation claims audit for a major State Fund
  • Conducted a Workers’ Compensation claims audit of a national TPA with headquarters in New Jersey
  • Accepted by Hanover Stone as a Risk and Claims Management resource

2014 Summary

  • Hired as Subject Matter Expertise resource for a large transportation agency in Tennessee
  • Added to a team to conduct a process re-engineering project for a large State Workers’ Compensation Board in the Northeast
  • Conducted a multi-line P&C claim audit of Pacific Pioneer Insurance Company in California on behalf of XL Insurance
  • Conducted a reserve study of a TPA administering Michigan catastrophic no-fault claims

2013 Summary

  • Conducted a Workers’ Compensation process review for Western Beef in New York City
  • Performed a benchmarking study for an independent mail service agency
  • Hired for a multi-year project as Ignition Interlock Data Contractor for the Suffolk County Probation Department

2012 Summary

  • Conducted a Workers’ Compensation claims audit/Industrial safety analysis/Risk Management program assessment for the School district of Philadelphia
  • Conducted and a claim audit and Workers’ Compensation claims reserve study of 16 independent trust funds on behalf of the Insurance Department of the State of Maine
  • Accredited by the BRCCI as a certified business resilience auditor

2011 Summary

  • Conducted the first independent Workers’ Compensation claims Audit for the County of Cortlandt in New York
  • Retained by Information Builders, Inc in New York City as subject matter experts in the development of a insurance company database and application project

2010 Summary

  • Hired as subject matter expert in a project involving HIMP potential projects in the United States
  • NSRC presented at the annual National Council of Self-Insurers in St. Petersburg, FL